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Hevsel Times
Hevsel Times fosters a community of young scientists who share passion for collaboration to create a sustainable impact in their communities.

What is Hevsel Times and what is its purpose?

      Hevsel Times is an international journal publishing scholarly articles of interdisciplinary interest from high school students based on originality, clarity, relevance, and timeliness. We recognize the equal representation of talent unlike the unequal availability of opportunities and representation; therefore, we are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in high school research culture with an article submission platform, podcasts, videos, an editorial advisory board, mentorship, and workshops. Hevsel Times believes in the transformational power of research and advocates driving positive change in the world with it.

What does Hevsel Times do?

 Publishing Scholarly Articles

We address the need for a collaborative platform for high school students as they become aspiring researchers through our article publication processes. To accomplish this, we adopt a balanced approach to all reproducible and impactful research areas, allowing community members to question and interpret in an interdisciplinary way.

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Hevsel Times

Creating Podcast & Videos

Talent and passion take diverse forms, similar to creativity. We value giving a place to flourish for all abundant forms of talent, passion, and creativity by supporting our spirited community with various ways of representation. Our two ongoing podcast series Science in a Twist and Beyond the Bench, and weekly YouTube videos strengthen the Hevsel Times ecosystem with a compelling way to represent provoking ideas.

Enriching Scientific Writing

​We believe in the importance of role models and know-how’s to evolve together. Hevsel Times Writing Center gathers mentors, professors, initiatives, and programs with its writers to improve the quality of the work they do at and beyond Hevsel Times. Our recent workshops included “Design Thinking” with UNICEF and Habitat Association, “Quantum Coding” with Qubit and Microsoft Azure, and “Scientific Writing” and “A Night at Lick Observatory Shane 3-m telescope” with Prof. GuhaThakurta, UC Santa Cruz.

​Collaborating With Organizations

Micro-interactions like the collaborative cellular environment and macro relations between philosophical phenomena inspire us to cherish science’s nature of collective collaboration. To have this synergy at the Hevsel Times level, we collaborate with youth-focused organizations to empower our work and community members’ impact and to widen our scope with values that reach far beyond individuals.

Supporting Youth-Found Initiatives

One of the key concepts between our values is to create an environment uplifting and being home to the initiatives our members start. The mindset-forming and skillset-boosting ecosystem we create becomes an optimum environment to start, develop, and give meaning to the youth-found initiatives as we offer specialized advising, funding, and collaborations with non-profit organizations to the impact our members strive to create.

Hevsel Times
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